A friend of mine made a comment on her facebook today about children who cry in church and the parents of these children who do nothing to remove themselves from the situation…whoa the war of words that quickly ensued on her page had my head spinning! I personally agreed with my friend…and said “right there with ya hun!” The comments that followed mine were from parents who did NOT share my wisdom in this area. Comments like...
"I'm crabby too and I say.....ONLY people with NO kids would feel this way. But I guess that's because we with kids have learned to tune things out. If that's the peak of your bad day then I'd say you're pretty blessed. Someone with no kids should have MANY moments of peace...if not...what the heck is disturbing it?"
"Before kids, you say things like, " I wish that kid would be quiet," or "That kids parents should leave." However...when you have kids of your own, you have nothing but empathy for the parents."
I quickly retorted saying…
"I don't know...me personally...after having kids...I have less patience for things like that...situations like that are completely avoidable (the cry room for instance)...it's not like they were in an airplane with no way out (for that yes I would have empathy)...it’s like answering a cell phone during a movie...there are other options, she chose not to exercise those options. "
This was of course followed up with someone saying…
“This is all assuming the child is perfectly healthy. I understand the "parents are to blame" theory but it doesn't take into consideration emotional, behavioral or psychological disorders. There is alot to be said with showing some compassion for people who have children with problems that are beyond their control. But I agree with Maureen...if is a "way out"...use it! People trapped on planes with kids...please have sympathy. lol It's SO hard to fly with small children. Even though people seem to think so...you can't ALWAYS control every single thing your child does. If YOU can...please...write a book! =-)”
Hmmm…love it that she agrees with me on a certain level here but lets not go thinking we’re on the same team here. (Oh, and I wouldn’t be “me” if I didn’t point out that a lot is 2 words…not one…but I digress)
I don’t understand…what is with people like this? I’m assuming these are the same moronic people who feel the need to post in details when JR passes his first poop too. Save it…I’ve seen it, I’ve done it…I’m not impressed! But which motherhood/parenthood book were you reading that said common sense and good manners goes out the window when your water breaks? Of course almost every parent in history has had or will have to go through the tantrum throwing fit at the grocery store just as your entire cart is full, as you are trying to check out…and yes for those people I do feel sorry for them…it sucks, it blows and sometimes that’s just life. And if someone honestly has a problem with my child throwing a fit while I’m checking out they are more than welcome to come over and help me get things on the checkout belt so that I can get to my car faster so that I can have MY meltdown! I’m talking about the parents who take their little rugrat out to a rated R movie on a Saturday night at 9pm and let them run around the isles or let them sit there and cry during the movie. I tell you right now, I will be the person who trips JR or yells from behind to shut the hell up! Let’s be honest here folks…if you were sitting in church, the movies, or the opera….and if an adult were to sit there and in a normal speaking voice carry on a conversation with the person next to them you would more than likely be slightly annoyed. So why is it OK for the parent to allow the crying to infant to remain? Let me point
out at this point if I may…the exit doors at the rear of the church and the two located off to front side of the church. Oh and here’s the real kicker here….the “crying room” that is in the church for just such an occasion! I rest my case!
And two more things…1- for those of you who do bring little JR to the rated R movie (when I’ve paid for a babysitter so that I CAN watch MY overly priced movie in quiet)….I pray that someday you find yourself wiping "JR"’s poopy diaper and that the wet wipe gives way at the most inopportune moment. And 2-My book will be out next June. I will be sure to place some people on the “ship to first” list.