Friday, June 13, 2014

Deflating Balloon and Elephants

June 12th 2014

Monkey #3: "Hey mom, how soon after you have the baby do you deflate?"

Gotta love her.

June 13th 2014

I ordered a maternity bathing suit that came in the mail today. As I was opening it I was saying to my husband, "geez this should be as flattering as an elephant in a bathing suit." My youngest who happened to be in the room at the time watches me hold the bathing suit up to myself and then says, "Do you think it's going to be big enough."

A trip to Yosemite with monkey #3

June 2014
Wes and I took a trip to Yosemite with monkey #3 for two days. It was an amazing time but in true Caitlynn style she kept it amusing too.

Monkey #3: "Maybe those two deer I saw were going on a girls night out. And those two boy deer you guys saw are on a guys night out and they are going to meet up somewhere."

Monkey #3: "Hey mom, is Yosemite named after Yosemite Sam?"

Survival Training

March 3rd 2014 9PM

Me talking to my husband: "I don't feel so well. Maybe pesto pasta salad and sushi on the side wasn't a good combination."
Him: " It was that crap pesto salad you bought, it was bitter tasting."
Me: "Nah, you just needed to add salt to it."
Him: "No you needed to spit that shit out. I don't know about you but when I took survival training they taught us to spit anything that tasted bitter out."
Him: "You think that's funny? 'Cause it's true!"
Me: "No I'm laughing cause you think I took survival training."

And we're back...

As I was putting together some photo albums about a year ago and I was finding myself having to refer to Facebook for dates and stories behind the photos, it got me thinking about all the little things that go on day to day in our lives that I'd like to remember here I am.

 Yup I'm one of those "blogger people!"

Michelle, Kamey...can I get my cupcake now?