Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Fill Ins

1. Plans and schedules are fun to plan, but never seem to workout for me

2. I'm happy when things all fall into place

3. The last thing I drank was water.

4. One of the most valuable things in my life is my family.

5. I like pepperoni and onions on my pizza.

6. Dear November, you are one of my favorite months! Love the weather, celebrating our anniversary, the USMC b'day and Thanksgiving

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going to our USMC birthday ball with VMX-22, although it wont' be the same without my G Girlz! tomorrow my plans include the Fall Festival at Caitlynn's school (St. Anne's and Sunday, I want to have a wonderful family day!

Thank you Jamie For all the motivation! Be sure to check out her site too!

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